
Sunday, 10 March 2013

Osho Quotes on Harmony

Osho Quotes on Harmony
Osho Quotes on Harmony
  1. What is bliss? Bliss is the feeling that comes to you when the obser-ver has become the observed. Bliss is the feeling that comes to you when you are in harmony, not fragmented; one, not disintegrated, not divided. Feeling is not something that happens from the outside. It is the melody that arises out of your inner harmoniousness.
  2. Be herenow and grace comes of its own accord. Whenever you are herenow, suddenly you will find tremendous grace, harmony, equilibrium, a melody in your being, a tranquility — and a tranquility that has not been forced from the outside, a tranquility that is not part of any discipline, a tranquility that is not quiescence, a tranquility that is not a kind of managed stillness. If it is still managed, then it is not yet herenow. If by effort you have been keeping it there, then it is already past. Or, if by great desire you are holding it there, then it is already in the future. Only when there is no effort to maintain it, no desire to support it, unsupported by you, un-maintained, unmanaged by you, uncontrolled by you… it is simply there. It surrounds you like spontaneity, silence, benediction… then there is grace. Grace has nothing to do with any time in particular.
  3. Remember, whenever you are a doer you are missing, because the doer carries his ego. The doer is the ego. Whenever you are a non-doer there is a possibility you may fall into line with the whole, you may fall into harmony with the whole — what Buddha calls the way, the dhamma. You will become one with the dhamma, and suddenly a rush of bliss — it rains all around, your whole being becomes saturated with a new benediction that you have not known before.
  4. Live in the world, but not through the mind. Don’t let the past or the future stand between you and reality. And if you can manage the state of no-mind even for a few moments — that’s what meditation is all about — you will be surprised: suddenly you are in rhythm with existence. You will know what Buddha calls AES DHAMMO SANANTANO — the eternal law. You will pulsate with it, vibrate with it. You will be just a wave in the great ocean of the law. You will be in such attunement, in such at-onement, in such deep harmony and accord, that the whole sky will start showering flowers on you, the whole existence will rejoice with you. This is paradise: paradise is the state of no-mind. Buddha calls it the lotus paradise, because your consciousness opens up like a lotus in the early morning sun and there is great fragrance, great beauty, and there is great grace.
  5. Meditation is not of the body, not of the mind, not of the soul. Meditation simply means your body, your mind, your soul, all functioning in such a harmony, in such wholeness, humming beautifully; they are in a melody… one. Your whole being — body, mind, soul, are all involved in meditation.
  6. You have to drop your thinking, desiring. You have just to be, and suddenly everything falls into an organic whole, becomes a harmony. And these desires are the root of the darkness that is surrounding you. These desires are the support, the foundation of the darkness that surrounds you. These desires are the hindrances that don’t allow you to become alert. Beware of these desires. And remember — the word ‘beware’ means be aware. That is the only way. If you really want to get rid of these desires, don’t start fighting them. Otherwise you will miss again. Because if you start fighting with your desires, that means you have created a new desire — to be desireless. Now this desire will clash against other desires. This is changing the language; you remain the same.
  7. People talk of conquering nature, people talk of conquering this and that — how can you conquer nature? You are part of it. How can the part conquer the Whole? See the foolishness of it, the stupidity. You can be with the Whole in harmony, or you can be in conflict with the Whole in disharmony. Disharmony results in misery; harmony results in bliss. Harmony naturally results in a deep silence, joy, delight. Conflict results in anxiety, anguish, stress, tension.
  8. All that is natural, the trees, the clouds, the mountains, the oceans, with all of them you will find a certain harmony. You will not find harmony with machines, big and great computers, factories, automobiles, railway trains. You may not find any harmony… there is no question, because these are heartless, lifeless things. They don’t know how to sing; they don’t know how to dance. Have you seen any computer dancing? Have you heard of any computer falling in love with a woman computer? Only machines will be left out. With all that is natural and all that grows, all that blossoms, all that moves and breathes, all that has a heartbeat, you will find a tremendous harmony. Your heartbeat will be merging and melting into the universal heartbeat.
  9. A sannyasin’s lifestyle has to be completely free from the past and free from the future. The moment you are free from the past and the future you are in tune with the present. And that harmony with the present brings all joys, all benedictions, all blessings. It brings enlightenment. It brings flowers of love and those flowers start showering on you; day in, day out, they go on showering. Each moment becomes such an ecstasy, so exquisite, that there is no way to imagine it, there is no way to comprehend it through the mind; because the mind is time and time cannot comprehend that which is beyond time. To know it, one has to enter into the present. That’s my whole teaching here: to live in the now.
  10. The master is simply a door to the universe. It is easier to get in harmony with the master — he is a living human being. Once you know the art of how to get in harmony, the master’s work is finished. You can get in harmony with the stars and the mountains and the rivers… and the whole universe becomes your home. Now you are as natural as a rose, as a lotus, as a bird flying in the sky. Except man everything is original. Only man has gone astray.
  11. For example, you are here now. Your body certainly is here, but only if you fall into a deep silent communion with me, and your mind is utterly quiet, receptive, with no ideas of its own, no prejudices, will your mind also be here now. If you can remain in this state moment to moment, enlightenment is not far away. It can happen any moment. It happens when your body and mind are in such a harmony, in the present, in this moment… then you give opportunity for your ultimate potential to explode. But mind’s ways are very strange, very subtle, very cunning. It starts making a goal of enlightenment — enlightenment is not a goal. It starts thinking in terms of ambitions: enlightenment becomes its ambition — and ambition needs time, ambition needs future, ambition needs tomorrows.
  12. Suffering means going against the universal law and bliss means going in tune with the universal law. Bliss is nothing but harmony with the whole and suffering is discord.
  13. That is the essence of wisdom — to be in harmony with nature, with the natural rhythm of the universe. And whenever you are in harmony with the natural rhythm of the universe you are a poet, you are a painter, you ar a musician. you are a dancer. Try it. Some time sitting by the side of a tree, fall in tune consciously. Become one with nature; let boundaries dissolve. Become the tree, become the grass, become the wind — and suddenly you will see, something that has never happened to you before is happening. Your eyes are becoming psychedelic: trees are greener than they have ever been, and roses are rosier, and everything seems to be luminous. And suddenly you want to sing a song, not knowing from where it comes. Your feet are ready to dance; you can feel the dance murmuring inside your veins, you can hear the sound of music within and without. This is the state of creativity. This can be called the basic quality: being in harmony with nature, being in tune with life, with the universe. Lao Tzu has given it a beautiful name, WEI-WU-WEI: action through inaction.
  14. Only in meditation, in silence, where love blossoms, there is — without any struggle, without any fight — a natural harmony, equality, a natural equilibrium. And when it is natural, it has a beauty of its own.
  15. When desiring disappears you are so full of bliss, so full of contentment, so full of fullness that you start sharing. It happens on its own accord. And then there is meaning in life, then there is significance in life. Then there is poetry, beauty, grace. Then there is music, harmony — your life becomes a dance.
  16. If you are living perfectly in harmony with nature, then you don’t bother about the yesterday that has gone, you don’t carry it in your mind. You don’t compare your yesterdays with your today and you don’t project your tomorrows. You simply live here and now, you enjoy this moment. Enjoyment of the moment has nothing to do with new things. Enjoyment of the moment has certainly something to do with harmony. You can go on changing new things every day, but if they don’t suit, you will always be running from here to there and never finding any rest. But whatsoever I’m doing is not enforced, it is spontaneous. That’s how by and by I became aware of my body’s needs. I always listen to my body. I would never impose my mind on the body. Do likewise and you will have a happier, a more blissful life.
  17. Whether somebody loves you or hates you, it is his or her problem. If you are, if you have understood your being, you remain in tune with yourself. Nobody can disturb your inner harmony. If somebody loves, good; if somebody hates, good. Both remain somewhere outside you. This is what we call mastery. This is what we call crystallization — becoming free of impressions, influences.
  18. If love arises out of harmony, then only will we know a successful life, a life of fulfillment in which love goes on deepening because it does not depend on anything outer; it depends on something inner. It does not depend on the nose and the length of the nose; it depends on an inner feeling of two hearts beating in the same rhythm. That rhythm can go on growing, can have new depths, newer spaces. Sex can be a part of it, but it is not sexual. Sex may come into it, may disappear in it. It is far greater than sex.
  19. A person who is split cannot be natural. Nature exists in unity, it is a deep harmony, there is no conflict at all. Nature accepts everything — there is no choice, it is a choiceless let-go. Don’t choose.
  20. When you don’t have a choice, you are already transcendental. You have transcended. Then the duality doesn’t divide you. You remain undivided. And this is ADWAIT; this is what Shankara means when he says ‘non-dualism’; this is what the Upanishads teach: to be non-dual, to be one. To be one means not to choose, because once you choose your choice divides you. You say,’I would like to be happy, and I don’t want to be unhappy’; you are divided. You simply say,’Whatsoever happens, everything is welcome. My doors are open. Sadness comes; come be my guest. Happiness comes; come be my guest. I will be a host to everything, with no rejection, with no choice, with no like, no dislike.’ Suddenly, nobody can divide you. You have attained to an inner unity, to an inner melody, to an inner music, an inner harmony.
  21. To be less and less argumentative is to be more harmonious; to be more and more argumentative is to be more and more quarrelsome, violent. Argument simply means your mind is in a discord; no argument means the mind has attained a deep harmony. And out of that deep harmony is good; out of inner discord is evil. You do bad because you are divided. Whenever you are undivided, good starts happening through you; not that you have to do it — it starts happening.
  22. Heraclitus says everything moves by an inner harmony. Who is controlling these trees? Who teaches them, “Now it is the right time to bring your flowers”? Who says to the clouds, “Now the time is coming near and you have to shower and you have to bring rains”? Nobody. Remember, if there is somebody then things will go wrong, because how can such a vast thing be managed? Even if there were a God, either he would have cracked up…. Just think of the immensity of things, the tremendousness of things, the vastness of things! Even God would have already cracked up long ago, gone mad, simply disappeared from the world, or the world would have fallen down. It can remain a cosmos only because the harmony is not being forced from above, the harmony grows from within. There are two types of discipline: one discipline that is forced from without — somebody says “Do this!” — and the other discipline that comes from within. You feel what will be natural, you feel where your being is flowing, and you move with your feeling; then an inner discipline comes in. Outer discipline is a deception and that creates confusion and a rift in you. But then the inner and outer are opposed, they become antagonistic.
  23. there is a great attraction in going upstream, in going against life. The attraction is that it creates ego, the more you fight with the natural instincts, the more you create ego. Ego is an unnatural phenomenon, no animal knows anything about it. It is an absolutely human invention. No animal can know about it because no animal ever tries to go against nature. All animals  –  and trees and rocks and mountains and rivers and stars  –  they all live in absolute harmony with nature, hence there is no question of ego. When you live in harmony with nature, how can you think of yourself as separate? The harmony is so deep: you dance with the rhythm of the whole, you sing the song of the whole, you pulsate in tune with the whole. You cannot feel yourself separate in any way. It is only man that has the capacity to fight against nature, and because he has the capacity to fight against nature he can create a very dangerous thing: the ego.
  24. All misery is because of the ego and its struggle, its resistance. Trust means that resistance has been dropped. You don’t think of yourself as separate from the whole; you are just an intrinsic part of the great harmony of existence, a small note in this great orchestra. Then bliss is natural.
  25. A meditator naturally harmonizes. All his activities are a kind of dance, he is one with them. Carrying water he is not separate from the water he is carrying; chopping wood he is not separate, he is simply chopping. Each action is no longer of the old quality, where you were the doer. Now the doer is gone, only the doing is left. And because only the doing is left, the dancer is no more, only the dance is left, and there arises a natural harmony — not grasping. Although it is tremendously blissful, no desire comes to grasp it, no fear that “I may lose it.” One is so filled and so aware that it is natural, there is no need to grasp it. It is your own nature. You grasp other things; you don’t have to grasp your own nature.
  26. To be alone is the most fundamental thing for a meditator — to experience aloneness, to sit silently and just be yourself, just be with yourself, not hankering for any company, not hankering for the other. Enjoy your being, enjoy your breathing, enjoy your heartbeat. Enjoy the inner accord, the harmony. Enjoy just that you are, and be utterly silent in that enjoyment.
  27. Misery is something that has to be earned. One has to make efforts for it because it is an unnatural state. But bliss is simply inner health, a harmony. It is the natural state; nothing is required. Once this is understood, life goes through a revolution. We have been told by the society that “You can be blissful only if you have this and you have that,” Nobody has told us that you are, and that that is enough to be blissful. Bliss has nothing to do with what you possess: all that is needed is already there. You are, and that is more than enough. What else can be more precious than that?
  28. If there is a harmony within a man, this symmetry will be apparent on the outside and the melody of his inner symphony will spread far and wide. But if there is misery within, if there is weeping and wailing, then the same discord will echo in his conduct. This is only natural. The only man who is full of love is the man who has attained happiness within himself.
  29. Because of the disturbed and tense condition of our minds we have gradually lost the ability to breathe deeply and fully. By the time we have grown to adolescence, superficial and artificial breathing has become a habit. You have undoubtedly noticed that the more your mind is disturbed, the less your breathing is natural and rhythmical. Breathe in a natural way — rhythmically, effortlessly. The harmony of natural breathing helps dispel mental restlessness.
  30. Meditation is the ultimate music. It is the music which is not created by any instrument, it is the music that arises in your silence. It is the sound of silence. It is the harmony that is hear when all noise has disappeared. When the mind with its thousands of voices is gone and your inner space is utterly empty, silent, still, that stillness itself has a tremendous music to it. And out of that music is all creativity, true creativity.
  31. The only right way to live is to live in the now; neither in the past nor in the future but in the present, because the present is the only reality and only the real can be the door to the ultimately real. The past is no more, it is only a memory, a hangover. Living in the past one can never find god. And living in the future is living in imagination, in that which is not yet. Living in the future nobody can ever find god either. The door to god is this moment, now, here. That is the meaning of idam. It means to live in this. This is it — there is no need to go anywhere, there is no need to search into the past, there is no need to desire in the future. This small atomic moment is the door to god. And whenever you are herenow suddenly you are surrounded by the divine. Whenever it happens, knowingly, unknowingly, whenever it happens suddenly there is the quality of the divine. Listening to music it can happen. Sitting silently doing nothing you can fall in tune with the present moment; then it can happen. In the mountains, with the silence of the mountains, you can fall in harmony and it can happen. It can happen in a thousand and one ways. And it happens to everybody, once in a while it happens to everybody. It is very rare to find a person who has not tasted of the divine in some moment or other. It may be that he has not recognised it as divine. He may not even have taken any note of it, because it is so absurd; it does not fit with the rest of his life. It is so outlandish that one thinks maybe it is just a figment of imagination or maybe just a mood or one was feeling good, one had a certain well-being, this and that… things were going well and nature was beautiful…. One finds rationalisations, one tries to find an explanation for such beautiful moments which really have no explanation, which come from the beyond, which descend whenever one is herenow.

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