
Monday, 8 April 2013

Thought Power – The Tool For Deliberate Creation

Thought power is a simple concept to understand if you know the basis of everything in this universe.
Everything is energy. What you see is your interpretation of energy vibration.
When the energy is dense, you see a solid object (although it is not solid when you magnify it).
The less dense the energy, the less likely you are to see an object.
Energy of different objects has a certain vibration. For example, there is a vibration of a table, chair, tree, thoughts, etc.
Each vibration has a frequency. The higher the frequency, the more powerful the object is.
Because vibration is the energy in motion, when something is on a very high frequency, your five senses cannot interpret it. Therefore you have no idea how the object looks or what it does.
Thoughts have a very high frequency therefore you cannot hear, see or smell them. They are so powerful that they have the ability to manifest themselves. Thought power is the only tool for deliberate creation.
How to use thought power to manifest
To think an object into being you should firstly think of an object or experience you would like to have. Then you should visualise it for as long as you can (but at least spend one minute continuously visualising that experience, without any interruptions).
Then you should relax and expect the manifestation to occur, without introducing any opposite thoughts. If you do, you will overwrite you wish and different manifestation will take place or nothing will manifest at all.
If you are impatient, you are resisting the manifestation or slowing it down. If you visualise but do not believe that your wish will manifest, be assured that it will not.
If you visualise and then forget about your wish, then you are not resisting and you let the universe do its work. This way manifestation will come very quickly.
If you visualise and then after some time visualise the same thing again, your manifestation will come quicker.
If there is slightest disbelief about the manifestation of your wish, you are seriously slowing down the manifestation. That gives time for more thoughts of disbelief and frustration.
Therefore it is important that if you are just starting in this process, you should try to manifest something small. This way you will have no difficulty in believing that you can get your wish.
When you become good at manifesting, you can think of bigger desires.
The misuse of thought power
Most people do not realise what a powerful tool they all have. They do not understand that by observing their reality they are creating the same experience for the future.
Some things can change, but they will be in the same vibration. For example, if you have an old Honda and then you sell it and buy and old Audi. Different cars but the same vibration.
The worst thing that these unconscious people do is that they keep complaining about their reality. They do not realise that by complaining they are creating more of the same thing.
Wouldn’t it be nicer and more interesting to completely disregard what you do not like in your current reality and focus on things that you enjoy, even if they are all in your imagination? This way you will get out of your circumstances and consciously create your desired life.
Some people think that it cannot possibly be that simple to change their lives. They would rather follow complicated techniques or rules of others.
Such people cannot understand that their thoughts create everything in their lives. They think that there is something more involved that does not let them have pleasurable experiences.
However, there is no external force that works against you. It is just your thought power that is sometimes misused that creates everything around you.
Less actions, more thought power
If people could only stop taking so much action and just think the object into being, the world would be so much nicer place to live in. There will be less diseases, anger, frustration, discrimination and other negative manifestations. There will be no competition whatsoever because you can create everything you wish, no one is going to take what is yours away from you.
Usually, when people are not happy with the place they are in, they straight away take some action to change it. Mostly they take this action from dissatisfaction and frustration about the current surroundings.
Therefore they give the energy of frustration and dissatisfaction to their action. This, of course, manifests more frustration and dissatisfaction. They keep going this way until something more serious happens. They get sick or suffer from nervous breakdown. Or they simply give up and conclude that this is what they deserve and they cannot change their circumstances.
It is important to understand that no action is good action if taken by a person who feels unhappy or angry or feels some other negative emotion. If you are in such state of mind it is better not to take any action at all.
However, if you feel happy, eager, inspired, empowered or feel any other positive emotion, every action you will take will lead you to a better life.
And if you firstly think of what experience you want to have and then relax and do nothing, you will soon be inspired to take the action that is the exact action you need to take for the manifestation to take place. That is the easiest and fastest way to use thought power effectively. However, I understand that to some this may sound too easy. But that is how it is.
The bad thing about this technique is that the standards of the society often clash with it. People are taught to work hard, and those that do not work this way are called lazy. Yet you can work hard and be unhappy for all your life.
If you follow this technique and do nothing or enjoy your time anyway you like, but then start feeling guilty that you do not take constant action, you will prevent the manifestation from taking place. Guilt is a very negative feeling and is responsible for many diseases and unhappy lives. You should never punish yourself with guilt.
When you start gradually taking less action, you will feel that without much effort you will get much more in return than you ever did. Wouldn’t be nicer to always take action only when you are inspired to do so? And you can. It is all up to you.
Also, if you are trying to think an object into being, but you constantly focus on its absence, then you will only manifest its absence. Therefore is is very important to feel as if though you already have your desire.
Although widely misused, thought power is the only tool to create better life circumstances. If you learn how to deliberately create your reality, you will no longer fear anything because you will realise that it is entirely up to you what experiences you will have.
Thought has such a high vibration that it can manifest itself. This shows that thoughts are one of the most powerful means to achieve your desires.
You are able to manifest absolutely everything into your experience through thought power. However, if you do not believe that you can manifest something, you will only manifest the lack of it. So be careful not to misuse the power your thoughts.

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