
Monday, 8 April 2013

Consequences of Unconscious Thinking

Unconscious thinking refers to the type of thinking where you completely identify yourself with the thinking process.
People that do not know that they can control their own thinking let their thoughts have complete control over them.
Because of that they emotionaly react to external circumstances which form their future.
Such people are reactive, not pro-active and therefore their future depends not on them, but on external events that happen in their lives.
Sometimes even when you can control your mind some events can bring out unconscious thinking in you.
This can happen when someone starts an argument and you spontaneously argue back. There was no awareness behind your fighting back therefore that happened unconsciously.
Most hopeless and depressed people suffer their entire lives because they think that they cannot have any control over their thinking. They completely identify themselves with their thoughts and consider their thinking to be who they are.
How unconscious thinking is formed
Such thinking can form with time and it can also be inherited from past generations.
Usually it is harder to spot the latter type of unconscious thinking as it is so deeply rooted in you. Such unconscious thinking can come in disguise of the silent voice in your head that says words like “You will not make it”, “It is not for you”, “Your are not good enough” and similar.
When unconscious mind is formed with time, this usually happens with the habit formation. Once the habit is rooted in your mind, it becomes unconscious. That’s how your unconscious thinking arises. I will give you an example to understand this process better.
Let’s say you try smoking for the first time. You light up a cigarette and inhale the smoke. You are doing everything consciously as this is the first time of smoking. Next day you still smoke consciously. After a month you are doing that half consciously and after a couple of months this habit goes so deep in you that it becomes unconscious. One day you don’t even realise that you are inhaling a smoke.
If you finally decide to quit smoking, after some days you will get a feeling of needing to light up a cigarette and inhale a smoke. If you do not do that, you will get a persistent voice telling you that you need to have a smoke. This is an example of unconscious thinking in operation.
Most people think that voices in their head are always right. But such voices are nothing more than conditioned thoughts (mainly caused by habits) that were taken for granted for a long time. They grew stronger until you completely identified with them.
You should understand that thinking is just thinking. Thoughts are nothing more than opinions and beliefs formed by you or someone else. It is not who you are. You should use your thinking as a tool to express your true self, the consciousness, rather than listen to your thoughts and take them as truth.
Being present vs. thinking unconsciously
Unconscious thinking is almost always wrong or limited in some way. It is much more beneficial to become aware of the present moment, identify the consciousness inside you and be guided by it.
When you take time every day just to be in the present moment and put your thinking at rest, you will be surprised how quickly your life will fall into place. You will get into the flow of life and have no big obstacles in your way.
So to completely ignore the unconscious thinking you will need to regard the thoughts you get in your head as just thoughts, rather that something important you have to act on. You will also need to observe your thoughts so that you would emotionally disengage from them.
Once you are able to observe your thoughts, you should take time to be in the present. To do that you can meditate or just sit still. This will put you in touch with the present moment and get you in the flow of life. It will also align all the circumstances in your life in a way that they will always lead you to your desires and goals.
You should never be concerned about what tomorrow will bring to you. Try to be in the present moment and act on what needs to be acted upon now. This way you will stop uselessly worrying about problems to come and peacefully live in the present.
Gradually your internal state of mind will reflect this change in your lifestyle. You will feel peaceful and joyful. You will never worry about anything. Consequently you will create an amazing future.
How to use consciousness to get perfect results
When a person is completely ruled be the unconscious thinking, he/she becomes a slave to the circumstances and has no power over the future. But if you control your thinking, you create your own destiny.
To think consciously you will need to be aware of the situation you are in. You should not allow your thoughts to take you away from the situation you are experiencing now. For example, if someone is asking you a question, or telling you a story, you should not think of what you are going to have for lunch today.
When someone is talking to you, especially when you are asked a question, you should be totally present and not thinking about something unrelated. You should be entirely focus on the current situation as only then you will be able to think and respond consciously. Conscious response will always be the best, clearest and most effective response.
It is easy to recognise when people answer questions using their unconscious thinking. They usually do not even answer what they were asked about, or their answer is vague and time consuming. Such answers are forming who you are, and if you only produce vague answers and take wrong actions, your future will be unsatisfying.
However, if every single answer and action you take is precise and clear, you will consciously create a great future.
Benefits of unconscious thinking
There are certain benefits you can get from thinking unconsciously. For example, if you learn some skill, like playing piano, and perform it for some time, it becomes unconscious. Because of that, you do not need to extensively think about it every time you are performing certain act. This way you do not tire yourself with the same thinking because this process has been taken care of by the unconscious mind.
Therefore it is useful to form good habits and make them into your unconscious thinking. But be aware that it is much easier to form bad habits than good ones and it is much harder to get rid of them.
Although unconscious thinking is the main reason behind so many failures in peoples lives, it can serve to your advantage too.
If you are aware of your thinking process and are able to control it, you can consciously form good habits. They will eventually become unconscious and bring many benefits to your life.

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