
Monday, 8 April 2013

Tools to Open Doors: How to Overcome Obstacles

People start their inner journey for many different reasons, and from different perspectives.
Some feel depressed, or lost, maybe they’ve got an issue they want to understand and/or heal…
While others feel drawn to do inner research out of curiosity.
Regardless of our reasons, paths or approaches, at some point, we face our fears, and accept our limitations.
In order to expand, to become who we truly are, we need to overcome both.
Some give up when challenged, thinking it is too much to handle.
But fear is just an illusion. The Ego’s attempt to protect us from changes.
Love – is the only thing real.
Keep this in mind, as Love is also the best, and most reliable, all-round tool.
Simply wrap Love around issues, hostile people or situations, past, present or future,
Love provides. Always.
According to the Law of attraction, like attracts like. When you feel terrible, you attract more terrible… This is not what you want, or need, and to defeat bad moods, I’d like to give you a couple of shortcuts:
Programming your mind to help you feel good.
A moment you feel extremely good- Preferably in a mood containing all of these feelings : Joyous,inspired,grateful, happy and confident. Press two fingers together, Thumb and the one most convenient, while stating (either out loud, or just in your mind, but be sincere) that every time you press these two fingers together, you will feel exactly the same way you feel “right now”.
And, that’s it. The next time you’re in a bad mood, press your chosen fingers together and relax…
See what happens, or rather; Feel . :-)
If , by any chance, these feelings, or the combination of them, seems impossible for you to experience “nowadays”, simply close your eyes and recall a moment when you felt like that, for instance once you achieved success, How did you feel that very moment?
Just amazing, right?
Let that feeling spread throughout your entire being. THEN follow the description on programming your mind.
This technique can also be used to resolve a problem, or a situation that makes you feel “drained” or “stuck”.
Fact is, you are never truly drained or stuck, but sometimes it sure that way.
-So,to be more accurate; You can also use it resolving a problem, or situation that makes you feel helpless and clueless, and in lack of the energy needed to get through.
(You may need some help from a friend, the first time)
1. With closed eyes, feeling relaxed and calm; Remember a moment of success, see yourself in it, feel how you felt back then. Also see yourself express that feeling freely.
Back then, you were probably in a crowd? And, if so, you couldn’t truly unfold.
Do so now. In your mind. When you feel like human fireworks, enjoy the feeling, let it fill you.
2. Press two fingers together, programming / stating that this feeling will fill your being, every time you press these two fingers together. Then release.
3. Leave the situation.
4. Visualise the situation you want to solve. Imagine each and every one and -thing involved in it, standing in a room. How do you feel? Awful, right?
5. Use your “success-key” (fingers)
..Hold till that amazing feeling fills you. Then stay in the feeling. What happens ?
Watch the renewed situation unfold..
This is the outcome of the situation, should you choose to solve it, with the success-energy…that you just brought into it..
Remember; You are free to use your success-key, any time you’d like.

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