
Monday, 8 April 2013

Loving the Now

I believe an exciting life is fuelled by the passion burning inside of us. It is the one in which one is living their dream and feeling happy and grateful every moment. There is peace in one’s heart along with the constant desire to explore more and experience more. Once we start living our dream it is hard to go back. It is hard to go back to where we have been, after all that we have expanded to.
If we are not moving forward then we are stuck in the present condition. The reason we are stuck in the present condition is because it is comfortable, and change is always scary. We usually do not believe we will survive the change. So the typical response to a comfortable present is to hate and demean it, while dreaming about a glorious future. This is not helpful as we are in a negative state of mind and by the law of attraction we will attract more negative events which will make it worse. The best thing to do is to love the present and envision the future. It is also the smoothest way for the transition to take place, as the vibration of love allows everything to unfold easily. Even we will notice that we are more energetic and flexible when in a state of appreciation and love.At other times we seem to be dragging our bodies along and everything seems like an effort.
The challenge is then to love the now reality of your life even when we are fed up with it or uncomfortable in it. To find the tiny slivers of light in the seeming darkness. Well, it is not that hard as when we find one tiny thing, the law of attraction will help us in finding more. Once we have spent enough time finding the best of things that surrounds us, the people that surround us, our vibration increases substancially and we are inspired to do new actions, filled with more energy and there is a change in the landscape, where we find ourselves even though it is for a short period of time.
Many times we find ourselves tempted to start with the issue that is bothering us the most and it is the hardest to find a good feeling thought on. It is better to start with things that are easy to appreciate.Once we find enough of them, we can feel our energy rising and find ourselves with more willingness and zest to start working towards the solution of the issue. This also helps us to start developing positive expectation about the visions that we have for ourselves. Mainly, that it will unfold easily and everything will work out for our own good.
As whatever we focus on, expands, the positive aspects we focus on have to expand. Some years back, when I was studying in college I used to call my room “Garden Suite”, because it was big, filled with sunshine and faced a garden. I ignored the fact that the paint was peeling, the ceiling leaked sometimes, the noise outside was too much and it was too dull and plain. I always admired the garden and the sunset outside, and stuck tons of magazine cutouts on my closet doors and posters on the wall to make it cheerful. Well, after finishing my college, I moved to US to study further and directly moved into an apartment my friend selected for me which was named “Briarwood Garden Apartments”. It was big and spacious and faced a little garden and a pool! In fact, we loved the place so much that we used to call it “Briarwood Garden Resort”. This was a minute’s walk away from a main road which was lined with bright stores and restaurants just like the place I grew up in! The best thing was that I never really expected all of this and I didn’t choose the place myself. Just by being appreciative and grateful I was drawn to this wonderful place and I still live there.
It is hard for our rational minds to conjure that it can be this easy, but our beliefs create our reality. The awful part is that once the reality is created, our beliefs get strengthened which create more of the same and we get stuck in this vicious cycle. The challenge is to even conjure a new thought which is completely different from this attention grabing now and being persistent enough till it becomes comfortable to have that thought. To persevere till that thought becomes our reality.
We can start in small portions, by noticing the good in others and responding differently. By responding differently to our own self-criticism. By being more forgiving and allowing. There is no fun and newness in being rigid, it is better to be flexible with our thoughts and actions.As we give more, we will also be receiving more. It is better than to be waiting to be the recipient of someone’s kindness.
The more we embrace all that is around, the more the world opens up for our embrace. It is not a big leap, we can always start small. The new pathways, encounters, places, treasures that open up for us will be amazing and it will be something we have always dreamed about but never really dared to expect.
Well, after writing this article, I had a funny and exciting conversation with my friend where we shared our dreams and made some travel plans, followed by a wonderful home made meal which was just perfect. Try it out and see what happens to you!

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